If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase please contact with a detailed description of issue and or photo evidence of any damage within 24 hours of receiving. If you do not contact us within this time frame, we will not offer any refund or exchange.
To be eligible for a return, items have to be in an unopened, in the same condition that you received it in and in original packaging. All return shipping costs will be on the persons requesting a return.
All foods and beauty products cannot be returned.
If return has been approved, we will provide you with an address to return items. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, shipping costs will be deducted from the refund amount.
Once we receive your items and have inspected them, we will notify you by email to let you know whether your return has been approved or declined. If approved, a refund will be transferred back into the account that the original order was made.
Sale items
Unfortunately no sale items can be refunded
Change of mind
We only accept refunds or exchanges on faulty or damaged items, no change of mind.
Please inspect all items within 24hours of receiving the items. Contact us via email immediately, if you notice any damages, defects or any missing items.
We will then determine whether a refund is necessary or whether a replacement item can be sent out.
Order cancellations
Coco and Len reserves the right to accept or decline to any refund requests, if they do not comply with our policies. Simple change of mind will be refused refund and or cancellation of order.
All decisions are final and made by the Coco and Len team.